Very slowly, as he walked, he tilted his head back in the
rain for just a few moments
and opened his mouth.
– Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
Rain is a rare thing out here in the Southwest. Albuquerque's average annual rainfall is a little over 9 inches. This year, as with many other years during the past decade, we are below average. So when the rains come -- as they did yesterday -- it's a cause for celebration.
There were clouds all morning, but they didn't get organized until early afternoon, when the cumulus clouds started to build.
The sky went from this . . .
. . . to this, in about 20 minutes:
And the clouds! New Mexico clouds are like none I have ever seen elsewhere:
Periodically, the skies would clear a little . . .
Before another cell moved through . . .
Finally, there was a rainbow . . . one of the lowest and flattest I have ever seen:
If you would like to see these and other rain/cloud images in a larger format, visit my photography website -- Todos Juntos Photography -- by clicking here.
And don't forget to taste the rain!