Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Scarecrows of Corrales

Each fall in the Village of Corrales the big event is the Harvest Festival, which happens at the end of September.  But the spirit of the festival lives on for another couple of months in the form of the pumpkins at all the grocery stores and farm stands . . . 

 . . . the changing colors on the farms and along the irrigation ditches from the Rio Grande river . . .

. . . and the local corn (maize?) maze:

But perhaps the most charming elements are the scarecrows stationed up and down the main drag, Corrales Road.

The scarecrows are usually associated with businesses along the road . . .

but some are put up by individuals and/or homeowners.

Some are generic; 

some are intended to depict specific people; 

and some are doing triple duty for Harvest Festival . . .

Halloween . . .

and Dia de los Muertos (coming up next week).

But they are all wonderful reminders of why we enjoy living here.

If you would like to see these images (and more) in a larger format, visit my website, Todos Juntos Photography, by clicking here.


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